Category Archives: Super Scout

Blogging Blues

We did it – complete our second book, Super Scout, and received our first order of books, which we will now be sending out! (See photo below)

Reading our last blog from 2 years ago, so much has changed, including Elijah becoming a teenager, but we are still finding the time to be creative and do things for Elijah and Crumpet. The blog dropped off, but reading Andy Marshall’s blog reminded me to jump on and post something at least!

What’s new? We gave TikTok a go and so that’s another social media outlet to manage. Good engagement and easy to make videos which then could be used on all the other channels.

Finishing Super Scout took some time, but we are very happy with it now. It’s a great look to have more than one book as it lends credibility and more talking points to us when we are in the marketplace. We did one day in the Katoomba craft fair and sold 12 books, so Elijah and I will be doing that again soon.

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month and we are being featured in the Blue Mountains Gazette, our local regional paper. They have written a lovely article and I think they are going to be using this photo:

We have also launched our recycling book project, so you can read all about that on our website – just click the button on our home page, or click here to find out more!